Frequently Asked Questions...and Answers
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation’s most contaminated land.
What’s buried in BKK could qualify it as a Superfund site - the toxic substances that were dumped there are highly dangerous. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this is a partial list of the toxic waste in BKK: acids, arsenic, cyanide, lead, mercury, asbestos, chromium, degreasing agents, oil sludge, gasoline, pesticides, vinyl chloride, plating solutions, acetone, pharmaceuticals, hazardous spills cleanups, paint waste, and PCBs. Toxic waste in BKK totals over 5 million tons.
The reason that BKK does not have an official Superfund designation is simply because the “Potentially Responsible Parties” (those that used the dump) are paying for maintenance of the site, as a result of legal settlements.
Therefore the U.S. Government did not have to formally declare BKK a Superfund site in order to use federal funds for the site.