Frequently Asked Questions...and Answers
Most often, BKK is referred to as the "BKK landfill". Nevertheless, BKK does in fact include two landfills.
One landfill is a "Class I" type landfill. This landfill is full of highly toxic hazardous waste.
The other landfill is a "Class III" landfill. This landfill is full of municipal trash - everything we toss into our trash cans.
CLASS I LANDFILL AT BKK: This landfill is approximately 195 acres in size. As indicated below the Class I landfill occupies the eastern portion of the BKK property. The Class I landfill at BKK operated from 1963 to 1984 and accumulated over 5 million tons of highly toxic hazardous waste.
CLASS III LANDFILL AT BKK: This landfill is approximately 175 acres in size. As indicated below the Class III landfill occupies the northwestern portion of the BKK property. The Class III landfill at BKK operated from 1987 to 1996 and accumulated 20 million tons of trash. In places the trash is up to 595 feet deep - the equivalent of a 60 story building.
It is important to note that what is dumped in these two landfills is NOT completely separate. Depositions from previous litigation associated with BKK states that there is co-mingling of the contents of these two landfills - some toxic hazardous waste and municipal trash is mixed into both landfills.